InTuition - Email Notifications for CCP Expiring/Expired and Procedure 'Revision' Triggers Confusing Email
unplanned - open for votes
Grant Towers
The Expiring/Expired CCP emails are not very descriptive for the end user. Some detail can be found here:
Separate to this, when a Procedure has a new 'revision' added (for example from V1 to V2), the user gets an email indicating "The following has expired", which isn't a true reflection of what has happened.
Example Email below and Attached
Subject: "INX"
INX Management
The following has expired:
<<Table showing expired detail>>
Please contact your Training Department for renewal instructions.
(Click Here to view your profile)
Requests for Change:
Firstly, Update the Subject from "INX" to be "INX Competency/Compliance/Procedure Expiry/Expired Notification"
Secondly, Update the default text for Procedure Revisions from "The following has expired:" to be "The following Procedure has been revised and requires review:".
Lastly, Consider making the Expiring/Expired emails more user friendly. Allow us to configure the message.
For example, instead of "Please Contact your Training Department for renewal instructions.", what about:
"Please see below for renewal Instructions:
- For Expiring/Expired Compliances, please speak to your Supervisor or Manager, as these may potentially impact your ability to continue to access site.
- For Expiring/Expired Competencies, please speak to your Supervisor, Manager, or Trainer, as these may impact your ability to operate equipment, or complete tasks in a competent manner, putting yourself, or others at risk.
- For Expiring/Expired Procedures, please speak to your Supervisor, Manager, or Trainer, as these procedures need to be reviewed/re-reviewiewed. You can also log directly into the <<Client Name>> LMS System (<<Link to LMS/Moodle>>), where you can review these directly.
If you are still unsure, speak to your Supervisor/Manager."
Happy to explore other options further...
Angela Simpson
The other issue with the expiry messages is the part of the notification that is configurable has different character limits depending on whether it is an expired notification or about to expiry notification. They should both be unlimited.
"The Expiring Email Message has unlimited data character, while the Expired Email Message has only maximum of 100 characters."
Angela Simpson
These notifications are unchanged since first implementation more than 30 years ago. Time they had a birthday.
Kelly Smith
Being able to configure the content of the emails to business requirements and explain why the email is being received will also help employees better understand what is expected of them in terms of competency management.
Ben Borin
unplanned - open for votes