We are currently submitting about 10,000 lead indicators a month. We are pushing to submit events via the mobile app – great step to catching Checklist Data etc.
Currently, of the 3,000+ Events submitted, there are still about 1,100 events from last month which are still sitting in “Submitted”. The issue we have is that as a submitter, you log the event via the mobile, them manage it a second time from within InControl, and either send for management, or send for closure etc.
Request for Change:
Can we change the app, so that it picks up the relevant workflow options (in App) and displays the two options which we currently see at the Submitted step:
1. Corrective Action Required – Assign to ERM for Management
2. No Corrective Action Required – Send for closure
When this occurs, if the user selects “No Corrective Action Required”, then the event is actually submitted into InControl directly as the status of ‘Closed’?
This is a major issue and source of frustration from the business. We are time poor at the ground level as it is, let alone trying to get leading hands etc. (who are predominantly in the field) having to log in and trying to manage their events, which in 95%+ of cases, do not require any type of management whatsoever.