Alert sent on the receipt of sample results from the lab
Jemma Gooley
We request the ability for an alert to be generated when the results are received and a standard limit is triggered not after the sample run is published. This workflow would allow INX preserve to be as per InViron and allow our teams to be notified as soon as practically possible which would align with compliance requirements.
The fact that an alert is only generated after a monitoring run is published defeats the purpose of systemizing this process and relies on our teams to manually publish monitoring runs. This risks our teams being in convention with license requirements and it is critically important for our business that this is changed or an option to allow a choice to be made on work flow added. The current set up means we have to go change all our procedural documents that talk to INX Preserve at a cost to our business.
Bradley Cobb
A new preference option exists to enable clients to choose whether a manual review occurs between receipt of Lab Reports and alerts/exceedances being generated or whether Preserve automatically publishes the Lab Reports and therefore automatically generate alerts/exceedances immediately.
If an issue exists with the lab data, it does not preclude the user from deleting the erroneous Lab Report and reimporting once correct data is received.
Georgia McKay
Jemma Gooley Bradley Cobb
Proposed solution:
A per-site setting where you can toggle on auto-publishing of lab results.
This allows lab results received via automatic import to be published instantly by the system and generate any alerts without manual intervention.
To clarify:
- Field results generate alerts as soon as the run is published (the step before creating the chain of custody).
- Lab results will generate alerts as soon as the automatic importer receives the lab results (as the report will be automatically published and the run now 'complete' without manual intervention)
Please confirm if this solution will work for you
Bradley Cobb
Georgia McKay Would that allow the enviro to come in and modify results including potentially adding new results, correcting values, etc without having to enter a significant process to reopen lab results?
Georgia McKay
Bradley Cobb it would mean editing the lab report as normal (go to lab report, select edit from command menu...)
Bhagya de Silva
Bradley Cobb
I think this would logically be a system preference allowing organisations to choose whether the alert generation & notification process fires off on receipt of the Lab Report or publishing of the Lab Report.
One thing to consider is whether it's better to be an organisation-wide setting, or a per-site setting.
Bhagya de Silva
Bradley Cobb: sure
Bhagya de Silva
unplanned - open for votes