Additional filters on Site Health Dashboard
in progress
Bradley Cobb
Suggested provided to additional filters for the Site Health dashboard:
- Time Period filters:
- Last Month
- Last Sample
Last Month - would enable managers and superintendents to review sampling each month for any immediate exceedances.
Last Sample - would show for each point the last status regardless of a time period and give a person a historical sense of each point.
- Hide unsampled points
This would enable the map to be cleaned-up to hide any point that is a blue colour including from groupings.
- 'Save as Default'
Checkbox that when ticked, saves the selections for the user (user-specific) as the default filtering options so each time they come to the dashboard it shows based on those options.
Bradley Cobb
Merged in a post:
Site Health Map - Reset Default Filters/Filter Options
Kirsty Hearn
On the site health map, within the filter options; have an option for selection to reset to the default filters.
Allow each user, when first logging in, to change the default settings for them on the site health map (allow them to set there default filters to look for 6 months instead of 3, etc.).
Sadi Islam
in progress
Sadi Islam