Bulk & or Auto-Disconnection Option
unplanned - open for votes
Shay Beyer
We tend to manually disconnect lots of people due to overdue training/licences etc. We do send multiple emails in addition to the auto-generated emails from Sitepass to remind them to complete their workflows. However, we find that periodically, we have to go in and "tidy" up the data. It would be great if there were an option to configure an Auto-Disconnect button (say if someone is in a Declined status) after a set period (i.e. 1 week or 1 month after due date. This would be a very welcomed feature.
Alternatively, an option where can select multiple people at a time to disconnect, rather than having to do it manually or requesting from Sitepass.
David Clynk
Agree also. An auto disconnect function against editable parameters be great!
Gary Scotney
Agree, would be good to have an auto-disconnect feature, but may also need the ability to choose the number of days at which this occurs, as different clients will likely have different benchmarks.
Ben Borin
unplanned - open for votes